Thursday, 6 June 2013

Once Upon A Book Review....

My Thoughts

Before I read this book, I read a few of the reviews that said that the way these teenagers talk and act in certain situations isn’t realistic because they act too grown up. And while, I agree that my friends and I don’t seem to talk like the teenagers do in this book in real life, I thought it really worked for the book.

Hazel and Augustus maybe have had to grow up before they were ready, and had to adapt maturely to certain situations while expressing themselves in very intellectual ways, and I enjoyed reading all those moments.The romance between Hazel and Augustus is the charming part of the story, and I’m glad that they were able to find love. even though it only lasted for a little while.

I think my favorite aspect of the book was the realness. Although I suppose I can’t really speak to that, since I’ve never actually gone through it personally. Maybe I should say that I appreciated the honest quality of the book. I really, really dislike books that have unrealistic views on life. This seemed much more true to life.

The only thing I didn’t like about the book was that the characters, specifically Hazel and Augustus, seemed a little exaggerated. I guess it was necessary, but it still bothered me a little bit. Then again, I did like how he contrasted Hazel’s awkwardness about her looks and other “normal” teenage issues with her ability to think and speak so profoundly. You could definitely tell she and Augustus were torn between two worlds. I cannot begin to imagine what that would be like to be any of the characters in the novel. I guess that’s why it’s so hard for me to form an opinion on those aspects.

Finally, this book really made me think about the impact that each individual has and the mark we leave on Earth. Hazel is content with just living and dying. On the other hand, Augustus believes that he needs to make a name for himself in the world. He needs to be remembered, be important.
The world is a huge place – there are millions of people living and even more that are dead. It really makes you think how small you really are in the world. But I do think that it is important to live life to the fullest and do the things that make you happy, and if you can – make others happy.

Life isn’t all about yourself. It’s about who you are, who you connect with, and the legacy you leave behind on Earth. Good, evil, happiness, sadness, wealth, health. Live life to the fullest.
I really enjoyed The Fault in our Stars and thought it was a wonderful book. For me, it was a book that made me stop and think and most of all it made me feel.

Bottom Line: Read it.

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